I see you have been paying attention for a very long time. As a result of having our land and wealth confiscated by Castro, my family wound up here in the mid 60s after my dad spent five years in a hellish jail in Cuba for defending his property. I know this story very well. Add to your list the Christic Institute. This front organization supported the Sandanistas and sued Americans for supporting the Contras. Of course they were also supported by all the Dems as a way to get Reagan. And lets not forget Teddy K going behind Reagan's back to deal with the Soviets. The Left has been on a long run to destroying all of our institutions. They have captured the media and the schools. They are putting radical DAs in all over the country. Add social media and tech giants to that list. And far worse, they are entrenched in our federal bureaucracy and our intelligence agencies (laptop cover-up).

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