Only the undecided matter at this point. Question is, how do pollsters know who is undecided? For example, if you took a poll among registered voters and you are registered independent or unaffiliated are they assuming you are undecided? Well I am conservative but am registered unaffiliated in NC. 99% of the time, especially now, I will vote conservative. But I remain unaffiliated because NC has open primaries. There might be a time during a primary where I might want to pull a democrat ballot to fend off a potentially strong democrat challenger in the general election. Yet the pollster might count me as undecided which could not be farther from the truth. Certainly nothing would ever get me to vote democrat at this point. Harris is a Marxist who wants to remake America, no matter what she says on the campaign trail.

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To be unaffiliated means you are outside the political process and unable to influence what either of the main political parties does. This is exactly what the Left wants, which is why they've been underwriting the Libertarian and other parties for years. Open primaries (and ranked choice voting) are tactics they use to turn states blue. It happened in CA, OR, WA, and CO and is happening in your state, too. BTW, the "decided" voters can be influenced, too. They can be discouraged enough not to turn out. That's exactly what the gaslighting from the legacy media is about since they know Trump is pulling away fast.

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I disagree with your characterization of unaffiliated(NC official term) or independent(GA official term). When I lived in Georgia the primary was the mechanism by which the horrible Cynthia McKinney was ousted. I pulled a Democrat ballot in the primary to vote against her. In that district, Republicans would never get elected, so why waste my vote? Maybe you are right about the impact of open primaries, but if you live in state where that is the law, than remaining independent/unaffiliated makes the most sense to me for the reasons previously stated.

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To acquiesce to open primaries simply because "that's the law" concedes defeat. Open primaries invariably lead to a one-Party state controlled by Democrats. GA and NC would not be headed in that direction otherwise. Sophisticated and informed voters such as yourself may be able to "do the right thing" in certain instances, but those are exceptions, not the rule. Better to effect change within the Republican Party to repeal open primary and RCV laws than to remain outside the political process. It takes multiple election cycles, of course, to make that happen.

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