Stu, all the truth in the world can not convince those who have sold their integrity, their constituents and their souls to whatever evil has tempted them to look the other way.

I have contacted every elected official from local to federal with similar information, ... not even a "thanks but no thanks", no response at all.

There has got to be another way to educate, to build support and to eventually get these criminals before a jury.

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It is up to the rest of us to continuously hammer it home to the unwashed - as well as make sure our progeny are squared away.

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Copy all that. Done. However, at some point we need to lead up, to initiate change.

Keep up the flow of information. We will do our best to help spread the truth.

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Low hanging fruit election officials are being “used” by powerful campaigns. Only when local election people are arrested and prosecuted will they finally say no and not want to go to jail for some candidate. How to press and who to press for prosecution is my question. Seems like the Republican national party would be raising hell but they’re asleep at the wheel

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Absolutely right. Harsh accountability is desperately needed.

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